Monday, September 5, 2011

Laying on of Hands סמיכה-Semichah

As a part of the tabernacle's sacrificial procedures, just before the selected animal was slaughtered, the worshipper would place both of his hands firmly on the animal. This laying on of hands is called Semichah in Hebrew and it signifies two things. First, it symbolized the effective transfer of guilt and sin from the worshipper to the animal. Instead of the worshipper being punished for his sin, the animal would take his place. Second, it also symbolized that the ownership of the animal was being voluntarily transferred over to the L-rd to do with it whatever He pleased. The animal’s jugular vein was then severed resulting in a fairly quick and painless death. After this, the collected blood was sprinkled on the brazen altar and also sometimes on the incense altar inside the Holy Place depending on the type of sacrifice being offered.

In ancient Israel, this procedure occurred over and over literally millions of times to atone for the sins of Israel individually and collectively. Three very important principles are brought home to us. First, our sin is a complicated messy business. Having to slit the throat of an animal, drain its blood, then skin it and finally place the body parts on an altar where they are burned up is a graphic illustration of how serious our sin is in G-d’s eyes. Our sin would eventually cost us the death of G-d’s only begotten son. Second, only blood can atone for sin. This is where the truth of Judaism and Christianity is different from any other religion on earth. The bible clearly states that without the shedding of blood there can be no atonement for sin. This is also the reason why the G-d of the Bible forbids Israelites from eating animal blood. Third, the principle of substitution is established. In other words, if a proper sacrifice is offered up according to G-d’s commands, G-d will accept that offering as a suitable substitute to pay for our sins. However, it has to be according to His rules. Remember what happened to Cain? We must always come to G-d on His terms, not ours.

L-rd, Thank you again for sending Yeshua, the perfect substitute, so that our sins could be transferred to Him and we could go guilt-free in your presence. This is the one truth that we will never tire of praying.


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