Thursday, October 27, 2011

Listen and Obey-Shema

"Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! "-Deuteronomy 6:4

The Hebrew word “shema” used as a noun is a title that refers to Deuteronomy 6:4.  This is a centerpiece verse that serves as the foundation for both Judaism and Christianity. This verse is important because it establishes the uncompromising monotheistic nature of both of these great world religions.  When Yeshua (Jesus) was asked by the ruling Jewish elite of His day what the most important commandment was, he responded with Deuteronomy 6:4.  If one were to pay a visit to a Jewish synagogue, he or she would find that this is the central prayer in the Jewish prayer book and orthodox Jews upon arising in the morning and before retiring in the evening say this prayer daily.  In fact, I would heartily endorse this practice to all believers.

Now the word shema used as a verb is usually translated as “listen” or “hear” as in the following verse: 

“And the people said to Joshua, “We will serve the LORD our God and shema Him.”-Joshua 24:23-24

Although a Hebrew-English dictionary will readily translate shema as “to hear” or “to listen”, this is NOT referring to a passive form of listening such as when you are kicking back in your easy chair and enjoying some of your favorite music.  Rather it is a stalwart call for obedience.  The connotation is that not only will you listen but after listening you will rise up, take positive action and make the commandments of G-d a part of your life. 

How many of you go to Synagogue every Shabbat or church every Sunday and let what the Rabbi or Pastor teaches go in one ear and out the other. In other words, you are just playing at church and operating under the assumption that just because you regularly fulfill your perfunctory church attendance and bible study duties, you are now leading a life pleasing to G-d. However, G-d can see through to the heart.  So while your going through the motions may fool those around you, G-d isn’t fooled.  The same goes for the tithe.  Some people seem to think that after the prescribed ten percent is paid, they can do whatever they want with the money left over.  No!  No!  A thousand times no!  G-d doesn’t just want your 10%.  He wants and deserves to be L-rd over every aspect, 100% of your life.  This should give all believers great assurance.  G-d wants to help you with that rent payment you’re worrying about paying.  He wants to straighten out the messed up relationships you have in your life.  He wants to help you with your debts.  He wants to help you with your sexual frustration and future marriage prospects.  He wants to bless you greatly in your future job or career prospects.  However, in order for Him to be able to do that, you have to let Him.

One of my favorite Christian preachers who I listen to on the internet is J.D. Farag.  I have mentioned him in an earlier lesson.  There is one profound point that he repeatedly makes in his sermons that I think is particularly fitting for this lesson.  The point is this.  G-d, being all mighty and powerful and the Creator of the universe has everything and is in need of nothing.  In other words, G-d is a perfectly self-sufficient being.  However, there is ONE thing that G-d does not have.  And He wants that one thing.  That one thing He wants but cannot have unless we give it to Him is our obedience.  Our obedience!  Since He created us as free human beings, unless we make a conscious decision and choose to obey G-d, G-d cannot force us to do so.  That would actually be slavery and not a loving relationship.

Hence, L-rd, I pray that out of love and gratitude for all of the wonderful things you have bestowed on our lives, I pray that we would choose to obey, to shema, your commandments with a sincere and devout heart.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.-Deuteronomy 6:5


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