Tuesday, May 10, 2011

iPrinciple Five (continued)-Say No to 1,000 Things

1) Ask yourself, "What is the deepest reason that people buy my product?" The answer should become your product's focus. Anything that detracts from that focus should be eliminated.

2). Review everything about your product or service from the perspective of your customer. Ask yourself, "What is the one thing our customers come to us for?". Make it easy for your customers to do or find the one right thing. Look at everything-the product, the packaging, the website, the instruction manuals, the communications. Everything. Is it cluttered and confusing or simple and elegant?

3). As a New Year's resolution-or anytime during the year-create a "stop doing" list. Cut down on the time you spend on projects or tasks that do not advance your purpose and fulfill your passion.

Taken from "The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs", ISBN: 978-0-07-174875-9

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